Vi presenterar XERALL ADT: Den ultimata terrängdrönaren
Ta en titt på XERALL ATD otrolig drönare, utformad för att navigera genom grov terräng, som kan vertikal start och landning och till och med simma. Detta verkar vara den
Vi är glada att kunna meddela att vi har lanserat Crowdfunding-kampanjen för några minuter sedan! Som utlovat är ni de första som informeras. För att säga TACK för att du
Vi är glada att kunna meddela att vi har lanserat Crowdfunding-kampanjen för några minuter sedan! Som utlovat är ni de första som informeras. För att säga TACK för att du
We are happy to announce we have launched the Crowdfunding campaign a few minutes ago! As promised you are the first to be informed. To say THANK YOU for being
UPDATE 23/01/2019
Hello Our apologies for a long time since the last update. here is what happened since the last update: 1. We managed to meet with Prime Minister of Poland and
UPDATE 04/09/2018
Hello Another X- TANKCOPTER update here. In the beginning, we would like to share a new video of the TankCopter, and kindly ask you to help us out a little
UPDATE 02/08/2018
Hello Another TankCopter update here. Below are the videos from first field testing. Please have in mind it was filmed with smartphones so the quality is poor, this week we
Seeing a lot of human-carrying drones, like . We decided to take a time and draft the first concept of the Flying Car on a scale 1:1. The concept designed for the
UPDATE 19/06/2018
Dear all We are happy to share a good news with you. Production samples are on the way to us. Below are few pictures of the packaging. It will take
UPDATE 05/13/2018
Hello Another production progress update here. I am happy to say, that we are moving really fast in the recent weeks 🙂 We got out of the way: 1.
Update 22/04/2018
Hello Another update from the factory, here. Below pictures of the first injection moulded model. Due to the fact the injection moulded plastic is lighter, stiffer from the one we